Jannes Alink

“I had the pleasure to work with Gejo at ManpowerGroup on a large international datacenter migration project. Gejo supported me all the way and showed his professionalism and committment as we operated together in a major-challenging project with changing requirements, yet he managed to get the work done and keep his team motivated.

Gejo is a hardworking, responsible and deadline oriented manager but also characteristic for Gejo is his openness and transparency.

In addition to this Gejo has a great personality and relates well to everyone.”

— Jannes Alink, Interim Projectmanager, Jannes reported to Gejo at ManpowerGroup

Irfaan Santoe

“It’s been a real pleasure working together with Gejo. He is a result driven, customer focused IT Manager and is able to work in a fast-paced environment. He has extensive experience in managing IT Risks, highly skilled IT professional and IT Vendors.”

— Irfaan Santoe, Junior Manager Deloitte Cyber Risk Services

Rien van Beemen

“Gejo has been working close to three years for NRC Media and has diligently and successfully solved the massive challenges we faced during that time. He built a solid ICT organization from scratch after NRC was acquired from a major media company and successfully oversaw the move of the company from Rotterdam to Amsterdam without any drop-back. Gejo is a reliable and transparant co- worker. He delivers and meets deadlines. Last nut not least Gejo has met budget year after year and cut costs during the process by great negotiation skills and efficient operations. I can only recommend Gejo for any challenging, difficult business challenges one might face.”

— Rien van Beemen, Directeur Online, NRC Media, managed Gejo at NRC Handelsblad

Henriëtte Sperling

“Ik heb Gejo goed leren kennen in mijn rol als CFO van NRC Mediagroep. NRC was net verzelfstandigd vanuit een sterk centraal georganiseerd mediaconcern. Alleen kantoorautomatisering was decentraal belegd. Alle vitale bedrijfssystemen werden met andere business units gedeeld en op concernniveau geïmplementeerd en beheerd. NRC stond voor de grote uitdaging om in korte tijd op IT-gebied op eigen benen te staan. Ontvlechting uit tal van oude systemen, implementatie van nieuwe systemen en tegelijkertijd een eigen professionele ICT afdeling met bijbehorende processen opbouwen. Een immense “verbouwing” terwijl de verkoop gewoon doorging. Hoewel Gejo werd aangetrokken om deze transitie mede te realiseren, werd al snel duidelijk dat hij alle kwaliteiten had om deze te leiden en succesvol te realiseren. Deze verwachting is uitgekomen: in resultaat, tijd en budget. Gejo bleek overigens niet alleen een zeer competente IT-manager, maar was voor mij als CFO ook een uitstekende partner in het inzichtelijk maken en houden van IT-kosten en –baten, en tegelijkertijd de business te leveren wat zij nodig had. En last but not least: Gejo is ook nog een heel sympathiek mens, waarmee het prettig werken is.”

— Henriëtte Sperling, Financieel Directeur (CFO, Finance Director), NRC Media (newspaper publishing, online retail), managed Gejo at NRC Handelsblad

Michel Knops

“Gejo and I worked together in realizing the move of all NRC Handelsblad IT facilities from Rotterdam and Amsterdam, in the meanwhile making all server and storage platforms fully redundant. A complex job in which continuity of the newspaper was not to be interrupted. Gejo proved to be an seasoned IT manager knowing how to assess and manage risk keeping both short and long term interests balanced. The project became the most enjoyable one I have ever been involved in, but more importantly, also the most flawless one. If you’re looking for rock solid IT (turn around) managament by an enjoyable character, look no further: Gejo is the man of choice.”

— Michel Knops, Project manager, Intermax

Tjitse Kooistra

“Gejo is a an analytical person with great experience and deep recognition of IT solutions in relation with business requirements. He is a tough but honest negotiator and in the long term he is able to create a high valued partnership. Furthermore he creates structure, cohesion and leadership in a complex organization with high pressured deadlines.”

— Tjitse Kooistra, Sales Manager, Intermax, was a consultant or contractor to Gejo at NRC Handelsblad

Ed Bontekoe

“I was working with Gejo during the transition NRC from the Pers Groep to full independence. This was really a complicated project. Goal-oriented, team player, Highly knowledgeable in theTechnical Domain It was fantastic to work with Gejo. He is extreme in control, immerses himself in everything. Says what he thinks, straightforward and reliable. Not often someone works so hard to see the goal. Keep the team (s) motivated, a real people manager. A cost driven innovator.”

— Ed Bontekoe, Sr.Project Manager, NRC Handelsblad, was with another company when working with Gejo at NRC Handelsblad

Cyrille Grobben

“Ik ken Gejo als een zeer deskundig en betrokken professional op zijn vakgebied ICT. Hij is in staat gebleken organisatorisch al technisch ingewikkelde ICT-projecten met succes tijdig af te ronden.Gejo kent de markt erg goed.Ik heb vertrouwen in zijn kunnen en persoon.”

— Cyrille Grobben, SR Accountmanager Corporate Sales, Tele2 Zakelijk, was a consultant or contractor to Gejo at NRC Handelsblad

Marc Marsman

“Gejo is an intelligent and persistent manager who excels at structuring business processes. He is an independent thinker, and he can endure the biggest challenges. Besides that he has a great sense of humor, which makes working with him worthwile!”

— Marc Marsman, Unit Management SAP HCM & Competence Center PM, NorthgateArinso, worked with Gejo at NorthgateArinso, formerly ARINSO